Methods Workshops at Edinburgh Colloquium 2018: Saturday 15th September 2018

Cochrane Methods Workshops Saturday 15th September

Brief descriptions of each workshop are listed below.  Attendees are not required to register for the Colloquium but will need to log in with ARCHIE or create an account. 

Register for workshops on the Colloquium website.  There is a charge for some workshops of £48 (incl. VAT)

A .PDF of all five workshop abstracts can be downloaded here.


Morning session 9:30am - 1:00pm

The GRADE-CERQual approach for assessing how much confidence to place in findings from qualitative evidence syntheses

Qualitative & Implementation Methods Group

Facilitators: the GRADE-CERQual coordinating team

Download abstract

(There will be a £48 (incl VAT) charge for this workshop)

Afternoon sessions 2:00pm - 5:30pm

Comparing multiple interventions with network meta-analysis

Comparing Multiple Interventions Methods Group

Facilitators: Georgia Salanti, Anna Chaimani, Tianjing Li, Deborah Caldwell, Julian Higgins

Download abstract

(There will be a £48 (incl VAT) charge for this workshop)

Introduction to economics methods

Economics Methods Group

Facilitators: Luke Vale & members of the Campbell & Cochrane Economics Methods Group

Download abstract

(There will be a £48 (incl VAT) charge for this workshop)

Systematic reviews of prognostic studies  (FULL - registration now closed)

Prognosis Methods Group

Facilitators: Karel Moons, Lotty Hooft, Anneke Damen, Thomas Debray, Jill Hayden, Katrina Williams, Marialena Trivella, Nicole Skoetz

Download abstract

(Workshop funded by the Cochrane Strategic Methods Fund Grant)

Methods for qualitative evidence synthesis

Qualitative & Implementation Methods Group

Facilitators: Convenors of the Cochrane Qualitative & Implementation Methods Group

Download abstract

(There will be a £48 (incl VAT) charge for this workshop)