About us

The rapidly growing evidence base and the increasing complexity of methods makes completing timely, high-quality, and comprehensive evidence synthesis, more and more challenging. Artificial intelligence (AI) and automation promises to help address this, and make it possible to keep up with the demand and expectations of users of evidence synthesis. But to realize this potential, we - as a collective across the whole evidence synthesis ecosystem - need to ensure AI doesn’t compromise on the principles of research integrity in which evidence synthesis was built. Therefore, this Methods Group will help define and support responsible AI use across different evidence synthesis organizations, including the Cochrane Collaboration, the Campbell Collaboration, JBI and the Collaboration for Environmental Evidence (CEE). 

Methods Group Convenors:

  • Ella Flemyng (Cochrane, UK)
  • Gerald Gartlehner (University for Continuing Education Krems and Cochrane Austria, Austria)
  • Zoe Jordan (JBI, Australia)
  • Biljana Macura (Stockholm Environmental Institute and the Collaboration for Environmental Evidence, Sweden)
  • Joerg Meerpohl (University of Freiburg and Cochrane Germany, Germany)
  • Will Moy (Campbell, UK)
  • Anna Noel Storr (Cochrane, UK)
  • James Thomas (UCL, UK)

As a Methods Group, our main objectives are to:

  1. Spearhead methods research and development and act as a bridge between evidence synthesis organizations and the wider research community.
  2. Define best practice and ensuring guidance for accepted methods is up to date.
  3. Support the implementation of new or amended methods by acting as an advisor or through involvement in the methods implementation projects.