Training vidoes

Click here for a Canadian Cochrane Center YouTube Tutorial on Qualitative Evidence Synthesis from our lead convenor Professor Jane Noyes.

Click on the following for a YouTube three-part Mini-series on Qualitative Evidence Synthesis from our co-convenor Dr Andrew Booth:

Part One                                                       Part Two                                                   Part Three

Click here for a KTDRR YouTube Webinar Introduction to Reviewing and Synthesing Qualitative Research from our co-convenor Dr Karin Hannes 

Click here for a KTDRR YouTube Webinar Methods for synthesizing qualitative evidence from our co-convenor Dr Ruth Garside

Click here for a YouTube Webinar on Quality Assessment for Qualitative Research from our co-convenor Dr Karin Hannes

Click here for a YouTube Mini-Tutorial on Critically Appraising a Qualitative Research Study from our co-convenor Dr Andrew Booth  

Click here for a KTDRR YouTube Webinar on Combining Quantitative and Qualitative Evidence from our co-convenor Professor James Thomas