Posted on 24 May 2021 by Ella Flemyng (Methods Implementation Manager)
Cochrane Methods is pleased to welcome Dr Silvia Minozzi to the Cochrane Council!
Silvia Minozzi is based at the Department of Epidemiology, Lazio Regional Health Service, Rome, Italy. She has been the quality advisor for the Cochrane Drugs and Alcohol Review Group since 2004, Methods Editor since 2015 and is now Joint-Coordinating Editor.
Silvia has experience in the evaluation of conduct and reporting of Cochrane Reviews and understands the challenges authors face with complex methods. She has published 38 Cochrane Reviews (including Updates) as primary author or co-author and has been the principal investigator or the last author of four studies that evaluate the inter-rater reliability and usability of risk of bias tools, including ROBIS, ROBINS-I and RoB 2. She recently completed a research study on the inter-rater reliability and usability of RoB 2 in the context of the Cochrane Review “Cannabis and cannabinoids for people with multiple sclerosis”.
Since 2000, Silvia has taught courses on evidence-based medicine and the production of systematic reviews and guidelines. Her experience as methodologist, review author, teacher on the production of systematic reviews and member of a Cochrane Review Group editorial base, means her contribution as method representative will concentrate on building the transferability and applicability of new methodological standards in review production, with an emphasis on author needs as reviews become increasingly complex.
Silvia joins Sara Nevitt as the second methods representative on the Cochrane Council. Miranda Langendam has recently stepped down. Details on the Council and members can be found here.
Please help us welcome Silvia Minozzi to the Cochrane Council!