The Group's Annual General Meetings
Each year, if possible, the IRMG holds an open meeting during the Cochrane Annual Colloquium.
Prague, Czech Republic 2024 Global Evidence Summit. Unfortunately no officers of the IRMG Group were able to attend so no meeting was held.
London, UK 2023 The first annual meeting for 4 years was held in September 2023.
A series of project update presentations were given by group members and can be viewed here.
No Colloquia were held during 2021 & 2022
Toronto, Canada 2020 Cancelled due to COVD-19.
Santiago, Chile 2019 Unfortunately the meeting was cancelled due to civil unrest in the city.
Edinburgh, UK 2018 A meeting to update members with group activity was held. Presentations given by group members can be viewed here.
Cape Town, South Africa 2017 A meeting to update members with group activity was held as part of the Global Evidence Summit that year - no minutes were taken.
Seoul, South Korea. 2016 A meeting to update members with group activity was held - no minutes were taken.
Vienna, Austria 2015 A meeting to update members with group activity was held - no minutes were taken.