Cochrane's Methods Support Unit will lead a special web clinic on 11 November 2021 focussing on the practicalities of implementation faced by staff and editors and how issues relating to complexity, non-randomised studies of interventions and synthesis without meta-analysis can be tackled in different topic areas. The sessions will be run at two times to accommodate attendees in different time zones and will be structured around interactive, themed break-out sessions.
The sessions will be structured around a series of short collaborative projects aimed at delivering practical resources to help authors and editors translate guidance from the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions into practice. Attendees will have a chance to see and comment on draft public health project outputs, which were introduced in the recent news item on tackling methodological challenges in public health reviews.
Audience: Cochrane group staff and researchers using or reviewing methods in Cochrane Reviews. The session will also be of interest to authors but will have a primary focus on how Cochrane staff can support authors using these methods in their reviews.
- Thursday, 11 November 09:00 UTC [Check the time in your time zone] SIGN UP HERE, or
- Thursday, 11 November 16:00 UTC [Check the time in your time zone] SIGN UP HERE
The Methods Support Unit hosts monthly web clinics for Cochrane editors, staff and authors to discuss methodological questions during the production of Cochrane Protocols and Reviews. The November 2021 is a special session and part of the Methods Symposium. More details about the how these sessions are usually run, and how to get involved, is available here.