Three optional tools for Cochrane Qualitative Evidence Synthesis: CAMELOT, Data richness and thickness assessment tool, and the interactive Summary of Qualitative Findings (iSoQ)

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Cochrane has endorsed three optional tools for prospective authors of Cochrane Qualitative Evidence Syntheses (QES). 

First, the CochrAne qualitative Methodological LimitatiOns Tool (CAMELOT) provides authors of qualitative evidence syntheses (QES) with a transparent and systematic method to assess methodological limitations of primary qualitative studies. The CAMELOT Development Group, which includes members of the Cochrane Qualitative and Implementation Methods Group (CQIMG), developed the tool in four stages. The tool is evidence-based, specifically for use in Cochrane reviews or GRADE-CERQual. 

Second, the data richness and thickness assessment tool can ensure that selected studies align with the methodological needs of the selected synthesis approach. This tool was developed in a Cochrane context by methodologists in the CQIMG and authors using an evidence-based approach. 

And third, the interactive Summary of Qualitative Findings (iSoQ) tool is a bespoke, online tool for applying the GRADE-CERQual approach for assessing confidence in the findings of a QES. The tool is free to use on the Epistemonikos website.

What types of reviews are these tools for?

Prospective authors may consider using these optional tools for reviews involving qualitative data, including mixed-methods. Each tool can be useful for different steps of the review. 

Learn more about Cochrane Qualitative Evidence Syntheses and Methods: