The Campbell and Cochrane Equity Methods Group is included within the Cochrane Health Equity Thematic Group and is co-registered with Cochrane and the Campbell Collaborations.
Cochrane's purpose is to ensure that relevant, accurate, and current research about health interventions is available worldwide. To meet this objective, Cochrane contributors conduct and distribute systematic reviews. Similarly, the Campbell Collaboration produces reviews with an aim to "help people make well-informed decisions about social and behavioural interventions". The Equity Methods Group is registered with both Campbell and Cochrane. Both Collaborations are international, not-for-profit, and independent organizations.
Our aim is to encourage authors of Campbell and Cochrane reviews to include explicit descriptions of the effect of the interventions not only on the whole population but to describe their effect upon the disadvantaged and/or their ability to reduce socioeconomic inequalities in health and to promote their use to the wider community. Ultimately, this will help build the evidence base on such interventions and increase our capacity to act on the health gap between rich and poor.
Interested in joining our mailing list or working on current projects? Complete this form.
Attention review authors!
Are you interested in incorporating equity in your review? Read our chapter in the Cochrane Handbook: Chapter 16: Equity and specific populations or try our Cochrane Interactive Learning module on health equity in systematic reviews.
Writing up your equity-focused review? Use the PRISMA-E 2012 Reporting Guidelines
Download a printable version of the PRISMA-E checklist, reporting guidelines for equity-focused systematic reviews: here
Interested in including sex and gender analysis in your review? We have resources to help - read the topic-specific briefing notes that provide information and guidance on sex and gender analysis:
- Guidance for reviews with the HIV/AIDS Review Group
- Guidance for reviews with the Hypertension Review Group
- Guidance for reviews with the Musculoskeletal (MSK) Review Group
Visit our Resources for Review Authors page for more!
Interested in receiving our newsletter Equity Update? Fill out this form!
For training and webinars, visit our Training and Webinars page.
Migrant Health Subgroup of the Campbell and Cochrane Equity Methods Group:
The Migrant Health Subgroup works within the Equity Methods Group to advocate for systematic reviews that reflect the particular needs of international migrants, by facilitating clinically-relevant and methodologically rigorous Cochrane reviews on migrant health topics, and developing appropriate methods for evidence synthesis and meta-analysis in migrant health.
uOttawa Indigenous Affirmation
We pay respect to the Algonquin people, who are the traditional guardians of this land. We acknowledge their longstanding relationship with this territory, which remains unceded.
Contact us:
Jennifer Petkovic
The Ottawa Centre for Health Equity
Bruyere Health Research Institute
Email: Jennifer.Petkovic {at} uottawa.ca