Training and Webinars

2024 Equity Webinar Series

January 2024: Framework for consideration of inequality/inequity in evidence synthesis presented by Patience Kunonga. Watch the webinar here.

May 2024: The Benkhalti Equity in Evidence Synthesis Tool presented by Maria Benkhalti. Watch the webinar here.



Previous Webinars

A Day with... Cochrane Methods Equity (2 60-minute sessions on equity-related projects presented by Eve Tomlinson, Olivia Magwood, Chris Champion, Ashrita Saran, Omar Dewidar, Tamara Lotfi, and Gabriel Rada; April 27, 2022)

Introduction to the new Cochrane Equity Content Strategy (Presented by Jennifer Petkovic and Vivian Welch, Feb. 19, 2019)

Introduction to Health Equity (Presented by Jennifer Petkovic, Peter Tugwell, February 2, 2018)

Equity 101: What equity can do for you! (Presented by Erin Ueffing, January 28, 2010)

Evidence-based guidelines for immigrant and refugee health (Presented by Kevin Pottie, April 28, 2011)

Mapping it out with logic models (Presented by Erin Ueffing and Laurie Anderson, November 9, 2011)

Building an international evidence based migrant health network (Presented by Kevin Pottie, December 1, 2011)

An equity lens for priority-setting approaches in systematic reviews (Presented by Erin Ueffing and Mona Nasser, February 2012)

PRISMA-Equity Extension (Presented by Vivian Welch and Jennifer O'Neill, December 11, 2012)

Decision aids and their uses (Presented by Tamara Rader and Jordi Pardo Pardo, January 17, 2013)

Why do we care about evidence synthesis? (Presented by Peter Tugwell, February 4, 2013) 

Implementing the GRADE approach to support the development of evidence-based clinical practice guidelines (Presented by Kevin Pottie, January 2013)


Immigrant Health Podcasts 

Podcasts: Developed in collaboration with the Evidence-Based Migrant Health Guidelines Team


Other Resources

About the Cochrane Collaboration

An introduction to the Cochrane Collaboration

Introduction to Review Manager 

Learn and search The Cochrane Library

What is the Cochrane Collaboration?

Who and what is the Cochrane Collaboration?


Becoming a pro with GRADEpro

GRADEing the evidence in systenatic review

Reporting Guidelines

Transparent reporting of health research is essential

Systematic Review Methods

A 'snapshot' of the steps of conducting a systematic review (Part 1 of 2)

A 'snapshot of the steps of conducting a systematic review (Part 2 or 2)

Getting the question right


For more webinars: Cochrane Canada Live Webinar Archive