Cochrane Colloquium 2016

Slides from the 24th Cochrane Colloquium in Seoul 2016

Annual Bias Methods Group Open Meeting

Held at 25 October 07.30-08.45

Annual Bias Methods Group Report

Asbjørn Hróbjartsson


A Revised Tool for Assessing Risk of Bias in Randomized Trials

Jelena Savovic


Adressing Funding and Conflicts of Interest in Randomized Clinical Trials included in Cochrane Reviews

Asbjørn Hróbjartsson


Special Session: Announcement of Revised Tools

Held at 25 October 13.00-13.50

Announcement of Revised Tools to Assess Risk of Bias in Randomized Trials and in Non-randomized Studies

Julian Higgins

Jonathan Sterne

Jelena Savovic
