PROGRESS-Plus is an acronym used to identify characteristics that stratify health opportunities and outcomes.
- PROGRESS refers to:
Place of residence - where someone lives (e.g. the country, region, city, community and their characteristics, or urban vs. rural settings) comm
Occupation - e.g. unemployment, underemployment, informal employment, and unsafe working condition, as well as type of occupation
Socioeconomic status
Social capital - e.g. social relationships and networks
Plus refers to:
1) personal characteristics associated with discrimination (e.g. age, disability)
2) features of relationships (e.g. smoking parents, excluded from school
3) time-dependent relationships (e.g. leaving the hospital, respite care, other instances where a person may be temporarily at a disadvantage)
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Oliver S, Dickson K, Newman M. Getting started with a review. In: Gough D, Oliver S, Thomas J, editors. An Introduction to Systematic Reviews. London: SAGE Publications; 2012
O'Neill J, Tabish H, Welch V, Petticrew M, Pottie K, Clarke M, Evans T, Pardo Pardo J, Waters E, White H, Tugwell P. Applying an equity lens to interventions: using PROGRESS ensures consideration of socially stratifying factors to illuminate inequities in health. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology. 2014, 67 (1), pg. 56-64. doi:10.1016/j.jclinepi.2013.08.005